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⇒ [PDF] Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea Irish Jewels Trilogy Nora Roberts Patricia Daniels 9781590865415 Books

Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea Irish Jewels Trilogy Nora Roberts Patricia Daniels 9781590865415 Books

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Download PDF Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea Irish Jewels Trilogy Nora Roberts Patricia Daniels 9781590865415 Books

Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea Irish Jewels Trilogy Nora Roberts Patricia Daniels 9781590865415 Books

I thought long and hard about what to write about this audio book series. I tried...REALLY tried to like it and I just can't. I thought...I'll listen to a few more minutes...surely it's got to get better. But it never did.

I LOVE the books and devoured them as each one came out and have read and re-read them so many times that my paperbacks have weak spines. When I saw them in audio format I was thrilled. I adore audio books. They help pass the time when traveling home to my parents, making a four hour drive fly by. They also are a great way to spend my daily traffic commute. So, needless to say, when I saw one of my favorite series, by one of my favorite authors available in audio format, I jumped at the chance and "to heck" with the cost!

My all-time favorite audio books are those that are done by a man and a woman; Anne McCaffrey's "Freedom" series is awesome. BUT, I seriously have no problems with a talented woman actor doing the reading; The Three Sisters trilogy read by Sandra Burr was excellent or The Key trilogy read by Susan Ericksen; equally awesome. I can only say, that Patricia Daniels, the "actress" who reads the Irish Trilogy must either be related to Ms. Roberts and Ms. Roberts was forced to use "cousin Pat" or she has to have some sort of blackmail hold on Ms. Roberts to ruin these wonderful books. It's worse than the worst "Reading Time" at the public library. Picture Mother Goose reading the Three Bears and you have some idea of the rhythm and finesse that has been utilized in these books. Patricia Daniels' acting (if it can be called that) is so juvenile and downright horrible as to be non-existent. Her Irish accent just plain stinks (if I heard "ting" for 'thing" or "tem" for 'them' one more time...I was going to throw the cd's from my car and I KNOW no jury would convict me of littering). Before she starts each phrase with the accent there's a lengthy breath and a pause; almost as if she's mentally saying, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" (an acting trick that gets you into the cadence). BUT starting each accented phrase vocally high and going low gets really old really fast. Believe me, I've done Irish accents and heard Irish accents and not every-single-freaking sentence starts high and goes low! It would be like saying an American accent is all monotone or an English accent is spoken through clinched teeth (which I would place money is how Ms. Daniels would interpret them). Also, the breaks in the sentence rhythm had me banging my fists on the steering wheel shouting to no one, "Just say the dang sentence!!" This woman's bio states, "...received her Master of Fine Arts degree in acting from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio." Obviously, to obtain her Master of Fine Arts degree involved no acting whatsoever.

Shame on whomever is responsible for casting this woman. Shame on the director for not pulling her aside and saying, "Okay...let's try something new with this next's call a-c-t-i-n-g."

My advice? Stick to reading the books. You'll love them. They flow, they envelope you, and quickly pull you into the story and Ireland and all the wonderful characters come to life in beautiful, vivid color. Use the Audio Books as coasters for your drink as you read!

Read Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea Irish Jewels Trilogy Nora Roberts Patricia Daniels 9781590865415 Books

Tags : Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy: Jewels of the Sun, Tears of the Moon, Heart of the Sea (Irish Jewels Trilogy) [Nora Roberts, Patricia Daniels] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Jewels of the Sun (Jill Sovis, engineer) Determined to re-evaluate her life, Jude Murray flees America to take refuge in Faerie Hill Cottage,Nora Roberts, Patricia Daniels,Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy: Jewels of the Sun, Tears of the Moon, Heart of the Sea (Irish Jewels Trilogy),Brilliance Audio,1590865413,Sagas,Abridged Audio - FictionRomance,Fiction,Fiction Romance General,Fiction Sagas,Romance - General,Romance: Modern,Audio Adult: Books On Tape

Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea Irish Jewels Trilogy Nora Roberts Patricia Daniels 9781590865415 Books Reviews

I am a big fan of Nora Roberts' trilogies and the way she weaves real life with fantasy, mythology and legend, while also telling a good love story. The characters are interesting and ones a reader can root for. The plot is fairly predictable, but I didn't mind that as I was enjoying an easy read that I could relax and enjoy. The Irish setting was interesting and added charm to the storyline. I particularly liked the story of Carrick and Gwen and the descriptions of the family pub - I felt like I could see every detail and wish there were a place like it near me for real! This was one of the first Roberts' trilogies I read years ago and I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading them this year.
The books were fine, although I tended to refer to the first two in the series as the "sexual harassment" books because she had the manager/owners grabbing, kissing, and generally making out with their employees. Even if the employees responded, that's harassment and we know better than to allow that to happen anymore. Other than that, the books seemed to "magically" work out—there wasn't Nora Roberts' usual drama for them to find their significant other and marry him. The last one, Irish Rebel, was more her usual stuff, and much better than the other two.
I really want to give it 5 stars, but they left out so much from the books (which I read prior to listening to the audiobooks). The first was only 3 disks, while the second and third books were 5 and 6 discs. I was rather confused with the first audiobook. There was too much missing. The flow was off and it just dropped off. I had to double check to make sure I just didn't receive a faulty copy that was missing the other discs. Spoiler alert - The second skipped over the angle where Brenna's sister is also after Shawn. Aside from that the second one was great. The third followed the book seamlessly. The book trilogy is one of NR's best, but I feel a bit ripped off by the audiobooks.
This is such a great book, that I look forward to going back and reading these stories again like some that I already have, and I am impatient to read the rest of Nora Roberts' stories right now. Hot, Hot, Hot, love scenes, a well written, creative and intriguing story about family plus inventive, vivid characters, all on top of seriously wonderful love and romance. Each story is about one key person, usual in a family, or close group of friends, they are linked through intricate, messy links and it's almost like a movie you get the privilege of witnessing about these people's powerful, emotional, and often times painful journey towards falling in love. Roberts is one of my most favorite author's, and she doesn't disappoint in this series. Her unique style and classy, yet moving love scenes, paint a beautiful picture that leaves a person longing for something similar for themselves. All of that is combined into this fantastic series and make this book a "must-have"!!!! I didn't want to set it down....seriously!! Lol I was nodding off over my book on several different occasions. Worth the price and more to have a Nora Roberts book in your library collection!!!!!!
I thought long and hard about what to write about this audio book series. I tried...REALLY tried to like it and I just can't. I thought...I'll listen to a few more minutes...surely it's got to get better. But it never did.

I LOVE the books and devoured them as each one came out and have read and re-read them so many times that my paperbacks have weak spines. When I saw them in audio format I was thrilled. I adore audio books. They help pass the time when traveling home to my parents, making a four hour drive fly by. They also are a great way to spend my daily traffic commute. So, needless to say, when I saw one of my favorite series, by one of my favorite authors available in audio format, I jumped at the chance and "to heck" with the cost!

My all-time favorite audio books are those that are done by a man and a woman; Anne McCaffrey's "Freedom" series is awesome. BUT, I seriously have no problems with a talented woman actor doing the reading; The Three Sisters trilogy read by Sandra Burr was excellent or The Key trilogy read by Susan Ericksen; equally awesome. I can only say, that Patricia Daniels, the "actress" who reads the Irish Trilogy must either be related to Ms. Roberts and Ms. Roberts was forced to use "cousin Pat" or she has to have some sort of blackmail hold on Ms. Roberts to ruin these wonderful books. It's worse than the worst "Reading Time" at the public library. Picture Mother Goose reading the Three Bears and you have some idea of the rhythm and finesse that has been utilized in these books. Patricia Daniels' acting (if it can be called that) is so juvenile and downright horrible as to be non-existent. Her Irish accent just plain stinks (if I heard "ting" for 'thing" or "tem" for 'them' one more time...I was going to throw the cd's from my car and I KNOW no jury would convict me of littering). Before she starts each phrase with the accent there's a lengthy breath and a pause; almost as if she's mentally saying, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" (an acting trick that gets you into the cadence). BUT starting each accented phrase vocally high and going low gets really old really fast. Believe me, I've done Irish accents and heard Irish accents and not every-single-freaking sentence starts high and goes low! It would be like saying an American accent is all monotone or an English accent is spoken through clinched teeth (which I would place money is how Ms. Daniels would interpret them). Also, the breaks in the sentence rhythm had me banging my fists on the steering wheel shouting to no one, "Just say the dang sentence!!" This woman's bio states, "...received her Master of Fine Arts degree in acting from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio." Obviously, to obtain her Master of Fine Arts degree involved no acting whatsoever.

Shame on whomever is responsible for casting this woman. Shame on the director for not pulling her aside and saying, "Okay...let's try something new with this next's call a-c-t-i-n-g."

My advice? Stick to reading the books. You'll love them. They flow, they envelope you, and quickly pull you into the story and Ireland and all the wonderful characters come to life in beautiful, vivid color. Use the Audio Books as coasters for your drink as you read!
Ebook PDF Nora Roberts Irish Trilogy Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea Irish Jewels Trilogy Nora Roberts Patricia Daniels 9781590865415 Books

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